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17 Quick-Win Actions to Move Your Dream Forward - free download

If you know what your dream is (or have a pretty good idea), it's time to take action, because action bring clarity. (Even if it's the clarity that you shouldn't move forward...that's still clarity.)

Yes, it feels scary to commit to something without a guaranteed end result. You're not alone in that; I’m right there with you. And so are dozens of dreamers who have downloaded this free resource: 17 Quick-Win Actions to Move Your Dream Forward.

Consider this your Magic 8 Ball list of ideas to help you get your dream unstuck in 15 minutes a day (or less).

Hi! I'm Merritt.

I'm a Dream Coach helping Christian women *finally* say 'yes' to their God-shaped dream of starting a business, writing a book, launching a ministry, or building a needed resource in her community.

When I ask women what’s keeping them from their dreams, fear is the first word that comes up (money and time follow closely behind).

But almost in the same breath they share these deep longings as well:

👩‍👩‍👧‍👦🏡 for meaningful work that contributes to her family’s income 

🎁 to use her gifts and talents purposefully for good in the world 

💓 sustainable income to do what she loves so she can let go of a 9-5 job 

👷‍♀️a desire to build something that’s her very own 

👑 a longing for work that has a Kingdom focus 

Stop spinning your wheels.

If you've been spinning your wheels about how to begin and need some ideas to kickstart your momentum, this simple checklist has 17 suggestions of how to begin. And I mean simple, like: send an email, spend 10 minutes brainstorming, or take a walk.

👉 Yeah, don’t be fooled by that last one, it’s one of my favorites!

The best thing about this list is that there’s zero thought required! I’ve done the thinking for you, which gets you out of your head and into action (and more quickly to the clarity that comes with it!)

If you've debated back and forth on how to begin on your big dream, this is the resource for you. 

Use this simple list of 17 suggestions to kickstart your momentum and get moving, because action brings clarity. 

Maecenas quis urna arcu. Aenean et magna sit amet dui lacinia commodo eget ut erat. Duis hendrerit magna ut mattis ornare. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Maecenas quis quam nunc.

If you've been spinning your wheels about how to begin and need some ideas to kickstart your momentum, this simple checklist has 17 suggestions of how to begin. And I mean simple, like: send an email, spend 10 minutes brainstorming, or take a walk.

👉 Yeah, don’t be fooled by that last one, it’s one of my favorites!

The best thing about this list is that there’s zero thought required! I’ve done the thinking for you, which gets you out of your head and into action (and more quickly to the clarity that comes with it!)

If you've debated back and forth on how to begin on your big dream, this is the resource for you. 

Use this simple list of 17 suggestions to kickstart your momentum and get moving, because action brings clarity. 

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