
Hi, I'm Merritt - a dream coach for Christian women with a God-shaped dream

I am a lover of Jesus with a desire to reflect gospel truth, hospitality, and compassion for the lost, hurting, and hesitant in their faith. I was saved from a life of self-interest, partying, and promiscuity at the age of 30 and experienced a long season of spiritual transformation in which the Lord began healing the years that the locusts had eaten in my life.

I believe God uses the experiences that He has brought us through to open our eyes to needs in the world and to potential God-shaped dreams.

My experience has deeply shaped my God-shaped dream of seeing His women set free from the bondage of imposter syndrome, comparison, and fear so that they can partner with the Lord to pursue the purposes prepared for them before the beginning of time.

Once we’ve set our mind on things above (Colossians 3:2), the next steps to living out a God-shaped dream involve taking messy action. We often struggle to do that alone, which is the reason we need each other, and once I understood that, the DREAMER LAB was born!

I’m an ISF/TJ and an Enneagram 1w9. My top Strengths are Adaptability, Harmony, Connectedness, Input and Restorative.

I am a life-long learner, passionate educator, and a stickler about details (that’s my Enneagram 1), however I perpetually have a messy desk (that makes my husband crazy) and I’m beginning to own the creativity God placed within me (and upon which I blame my messy desk).

I live near Denver, Colorado, with my husband of 13 years, our two girls (ages 9 and 5), and my sweet parents.

How I can serve you in your God-shaped dream. 

Check out the Devoted Dreamers Podcast.

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